Broadcast SMS
November 18, 2020
SMS Broadcast is a one-to-many messaging service that allows TetraVX users to send text messages to multiple recipients at the same time and receive replies to their personal number.
Open the nVX User Portal, and go to the SMS tab. Click on “+” icon to create new SMS. Here, you will see a toggle button at the top right, titled Broadcast. This will allow you to start or convert group SMS into broadcast SMS.

To use broadcast, toggle the Broadcast switch to on and add your desired recipients in the To field. Draft your text message and press the green Send button once ready.
Note: Once the Broadcast switch is toggled to on, the placeholder text will change from “Starting new conversation..” into “Stating new broadcast conversation”.

You will receive a confirmation once the text message is sent successfully.

You can identify Broadcast SMS messages from traditional SMS in one of two ways. First, you will see “Broadcast Message” in the message thread. Second, it can be identified by looking for the Broadcast icon on the top right.

To delete a Broadcast SMS, click on three dots followed by Delete button.